Making a Business Office Request

submit A Business Office Request

  • Admin: Building Access/ Key Request Form, Room Reservations, Web Profile Request, Other
  • HR: Hiring Requests, Recruitment Request, DCC Requests, Promotion/Pay Increase/Title Change, Timesheet Help and Other HR Help
  • PCard/Reimbursements: Submit PCard documentation, Department PCard Checkout, Personal Reimbursement Requests, Travel Reimbursement Requests, Non-Employee Reimbursements
  • Payment/Ordering Request (ex. Invoice, Purchase Order, Shop Catalogs)
  • Financial: Account Reconciliation Meeting Request, Account Help (Incl. Grant accounts), Other

Submit a Travel Authorization Request

Learning materials are available in EDGE Learning that break down the new travel request process step-by-step. 
We are also compiling frequently asked questions here.

Submit a Voyager Receipt

Official Templates, Directories & Guidelines


Proposal Writing Information

When preparing proposals in which the School of Natural Resources and the Environment is the lead, or before sharing a draft budget with a sponsor, please contact:

The ALVSCE Research Pre-Award Team -

Here are additional resources:


Here are key policy and procedure documents related to purchasing and the “PCard” (purchasing card):

Be aware that PCard documentation needs to be submitted within three days of purchase per university and department policies:


Information about travel-related policies and forms, including travel authorization and reimbursement, can be obtained through Financial Services. Additional forms related to international travel registration and risks also are required. Allow one month for international travel approval.

Before you travel

You must have an approved travel authorization on file before traveling on university business. To submit a Travel Authorization go here: Please submit at least three business days before travel to allow for supervisor and business office approvals.

Learning materials are available in EDGE Learning that break down the travel request process step-by-step. We are also compiling frequently asked questions here.

Fiscal Year Blanket Travel Authorizations are allowable and may be obtained for frequent in-state travel activities that meet the following requirements:

  • Travel activities are consistent with the employee's job duties.
  • Business purpose & funding is consistently the same for each travel event.
  • Location(s) of travel are clearly documented.
  • Annual review and renewal by June 30th each fiscal year.

Here is other helpful travel information:

  • Visit here to reserve a rental vehicle from the University of Arizona Motor Pool.
  • Visit here to request Mexican insurance coverage for school vehicles.
  • Go here for details on the university rental car policy.


For personal and travel reimbursements use this form and go to PCard/Reimbursements then Personal Reimbursement Request or Travel Reimbursement Request.


Here are sites or forms with key information about hiring policies or procedures:

Here are hiring forms that are specific to the School of Natural Resources and the Environment

Graduate student hiring:

Voyager Cards



ENR2 N355 TA Space (M-F 8am - 5pm): book your appointment here:

  • Please note that the doors to the N3 office spaces are also unlocked 8am - 5pm.
  • Please make sure to keep the door to the office space unlocked.
  • Please clean the whiteboard and take your items with you after the appointment.

Keys and Building Access:

Please submit the Key Authorization and Building Access Request Form here.

Room Reservations:

For requesting an SNRE room use this form.

Website Forms:

Submit website profile update requests to this portal.

Account Balance Lookups:

Academic Forms for Faculty