Activities & Events


The SNRE diversity committee aims to be engaged with the school through planning and conducting a variety of activities and events meant to bring attention to issues and needs of diverse students as well as provide a way for the SNRE community have input on how to address issues and bring our diverse community together. Additionally, we provide some training opportunities and also ways to network together.

Primary Activities

  1. Include a member of the Inclusive Excellence Committee on every search committee.
  2. Recommend training for the school community on diversity and inclusion issues.
  3. Organize events that celebrate inclusion and diversity.
  4. Create in the department safe spaces and safe means to comment on inclusion and diversity issues.
  5. Liaise with the Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension Division’s Diversity and Inclusion Council and the Office of Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement to develop and enact strategies to create real change.
  6. Recruit more people into the Inclusive Excellence Committee, especially students.
  7. Develop actionable strategies for short- and long-term change.
  8. Be open to ideas for change and embrace honest discussion of difficult topics.
  9. Identify and integrate strategies for more formally assessing diversity and inclusion metrics in faculty and staff performance.
  10. Compile an annual report of activities