Gregg Garfin interviewed in USA Today and Beacon

Sept. 9, 2014

Dr. Gregg Garfin was interviewed in two top publications on the severity and impact of droughts and future climate predictions for the Southwestern U.S.

"California's 100-year drought" (USA Today)
"California is in the third year of one of the state's worst droughts in the past century, one that's led to fierce wildfires, water shortages and restrictions, and potentially staggering agricultural losses..." SNRE's Gregg Garfin is interviewed in this article.

"Southwest US: Ground Zero for Climate Change" (Bracing for Impact/Beacon) 
"The Southwest is the most unrelentingly hot and dry region in the United States. Future predictions?of increased fires, drought and floods?border on biblical. Gregg Garfin is a climatologist at the University of Arizona in Tucson and a coordinating lead author for the Southwest-region chapter of the National Climate Assessment, released in May. In this Q&A, he reflects on the dire situation, his ?apocaloptimist? nature and the bright spots he sees on the horizon."