Postponed: NatGeo?s Joel Sartore talk on April 4 to be rescheduled for fall

Out of an abundance of caution for our students, faculty, and supporters, we have decided to postpone our April 4 evening with National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore until this fall.
Thank you for your tremendous support, as we received an overwhelming response to this opportunity, and for your understanding now, because we want our night with Joel to be one of celebration for our collective impact in conserving biodiversity. Joel remains excited about being the first presenter for SNRE?s annual Conservation Speaker Series, and we look forward to him visiting us in the fall.
For those of you who purchased tickets: Thank you, and please be on the lookout for an email next from Eventbrite about your refund, which will be credited to your card or bank account within 5 to 7 business days. As soon as the date for Joel?s visit is set, we will share a save-the-date announcement here and by directly emailing all you who purchased tickets too.
In the meantime, thank you again for your support, and please know our students and faculty will keep conserving the biodiversity, environment, and landscapes that we all value.