Congratulations to Dr. Dave Moore, 2020 awardee of the Excellence in Earth and Space Science Education Award

Congratulations to Dr. Dave Moore, 2020 awardee of the Excellence in Earth and Space Science Education Award. This award is presented by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) to a mid-career or senior scientist that has shown dedication toward excellence resulting in longstanding benefits for geophysical education of any level. Click here to view the full article published by EOS this February.
For more than a decade Dr. Moore has organized the FluxCourse (, an annual two-week course that has helped train nearly 300 graduate students, post-docs, and early career scientists.
?Whether your science is rooted in observation or focused on analytical models, a great deal of knowledge, skill and dedication is required to succeed. However, effective communication between observationalists and modelers is challenging, and specialization can lead to the isolation of the two communities to the detriment of both. Each has evolved barriers in the form of their own languages, norms and approaches ? the Fluxcourse seeks to break these down."
The course brings together students and early career scientists from all over the world with some of the best known experts and teachers in the field to the University of Colorado Mountain Research Station. The course provides hands on experience in measuring how ecosystems breath and the analytical tools needed to ask and answer scientific questions about the changing roles of ecosystems in the carbon cycle, the water cycle and the Earth?s energy balance.
?It is a delight to wander the halls of scientific meetings and see the course alumni as they advance in their career. Fluxcourse was just one nudge along their scientific paths, but their successes encourage our team that we should keep running the course.?
The course also builds community among scientists from around the US and the world, providing an invaluable experience in networking and professional skills development.
?Instructors and grad student helpers are all volunteers; some from the very start, some whenever they could, others are eager to pitch in now ? we could not run the course without their sense of community.?
Dr. Moore is an ecologist who uses experiments, measurements and quantitative modeling to improve understanding of carbon exchanges in terrestrial ecosystems and how they contribute toward global biogeochemical cycles. Since 2007, he has taught classes in ecology, sustainability and scientific writing at the University of Arizona and at King?s College London. He has mentored more than 30 students and early career scientists through research projects and his lab currently includes 4 graduate students and 2 post-doctoral researchers.
?An incredible honor for a stellar teacher and well-rounded faculty member who demonstrates excellence through commitment to general education in his RNR 150C1: Sustainable Earth course as well as upper level courses in ecosystem ecology. His mentorship extends beyond the classroom as Dr. Moore works with great success to prepare our undergraduate and graduate students for the profession as they emerge from their experience in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment? -- John L. Koprowski, Director of SNRE
EOS Article: AGU (2020), David Moore receives 2019 Excellence in Earth and Space Science Education Award, Eos, 101, Published on 28 February 2020.
Slideshow Photo of Dave Moore receiving award