Alessandra Gorlier

Alessandra Gorlier earned her Ph.D. in “Sustainable Pasture and Forage Systems for Land Management and Animal Product Quality” at the University of Florence (Italy), and her 5-year degree in “Forestry and Environmental Sciences” at the University of Turin (Italy). For fifteen years, she worked with the Grassland Ecology and Management group of the University of Turin, Dept. of Agricultural, Forest, and Food Sciences, where she fulfilled responsibilities in national and international projects and conducted research on grassland communities and grazing management. During these years, she also carried out studies on vegetation dynamics and monitoring at the Universities of California-Berkeley (USA) and Neuchâtel (Switzerland) as a visiting scholar. Currently, she is Research Specialist, Senior, at the University of Arizona (USA), School of Natural Resources and the Environment, where she is mainly involved in long-term vegetation studies at the Santa Rita Experimental Range, one of the Arizona Experiment Stations. As a lecturer, for five years she taught “Agronomy and Forage Sciences” at the College of Veterinary Sciences and gave seminars on “Grassland Classification and Mapping” at the College of Agriculture (University of Turin). As a co-instructor, she assisted with designing and teaching the University of Arizona Study Abroad Course “Sustaining Local Food, Biodiversity, and Livestock Grazing in the Alps”. Alessandra Gorlier is co-author of over 60 scientific publications focusing mainly on grassland ecology, grazing management, and vegetation sciences.
Desert grassland dynamics at the Santa Rita Experimental Range Rangeland and alpine grassland ecology and management Grazing management for grassland conservation and restoration Classification and monitoring of plant communities Plant diversity
- Ph.D. 2006. University of Florence, Florence, Italy
- B.Sc and MSc. 2002. University of Turin, Turin, Italy