Jennifer Verdolin

Wildlife Conservation & Management
My research interests focus on social & mating behavior with applications to conservation. My current focus is on the interaction of personality & social network dynamics. I also authored two popular science books, Wild Connection & Raised by Animals.
2021 Jordán, F., Kovács B., Verdolin, J.L. 2021. Social flexibility, resource availability, and social network variability in Gunnison’s prairie dogs. Behaviour DOI:10.1163/1568539X-bja10118
2015 Nunn, C.L., Jordán, F., McCabe, C., Verdolin, J.L., Fewell, J. Parasitism and group size: It is more than just a numbers game. Phil Trans Roy Soc B 370: 20140111; 2014 Verdolin, J.L., Traud, A.L. & Dunn, R. Key players and hierarchical organization of prairie dog social networks. Ecological Complexity 19, 140-147.
I am on the Scientific Advisory Board for the Mountain Lion Foundation; I host a podcast called Wild Connection that explores our relationship with nature; and I have authored several popular science books.
I teach or co-teach courses in Wildlife Conservation, Natural Resource Management, and Animal Behavior.
- PhD, 2008, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
- MSc, 2001, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
- BS, 1998, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL